Holoscop V3 – Sony Wifi-Cam as lensless Microscope (R.I.P)

2015-10-06 15.25.06.jpg

Realizing the Microscope using a Smartphones camera makes removing all lenses necessary, thus one needs to destroy a usually working phone.

Even though it’s open-source it’s really expensive. So why not finding a solution which still uses a smartphone, but only for processing raw data which is coming from a 3rd party device. Looking for a good solution having in mind, that the pixelsize should be as small as possible and accessible by a smartphone I’ve found the Sony QX 10 digital still camera. „Holoscop V3 – Sony Wifi-Cam as lensless Microscope (R.I.P)“ weiterlesen

Raspberry Pi + Picamera + LCD + Zoomlens .. Holoskop V4

2016-03-07 19.50.59

So next Generation Holoscope is coming. And: It looks promising! Everything’s open-source. The concpet will work as follows:

  • Raspberry Pi acts as a server; It handles communication between the Smartphone and the Hardware-stuff which is: Synchronisation of the Camera/Illumination Pattern, Driving the motor and sending the images to the phone
  • The Smartphone shows a live-view of the live-stream coming from the Picamera and gives the chance to setup stuff like ISO, Exp-Time, etc. Triggering an acquisition set is also possible; It will also do reconstruction processing as it has – at least in my case – a better CPU/GPU than the PI.
  • So far a router is needed as a Peer-to-peer Communication is not implmented yet
  • Camera Sensor is the one from the PI-Camera module

„Raspberry Pi + Picamera + LCD + Zoomlens .. Holoskop V4“ weiterlesen

First impression of the new Raspi Holoskop

I stopped counting. Each iteration or revision of the Holoscope gave me troubles. This release looks promising. A raspberry creates a server and streams the camera to an android device.

The mobile-phone send and recieves http-requests and downloads the images from the Raspi. The first stream with a source-shift looks like that:

I’ll go into the details soon!